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Rebel Salute 2020 the Live Tweets and event review

Written by on January 22, 2020

Louie Culture: The Ol Ganga Lee gave a very solid performance. He even performed his tune with Mikey Spice during his set. Very big tune from the two greats. Mikey Spice had the people of #RebelSalute2020 singing and dancing in the rain.

I-Octane straight out the gate along with many other artist burning out the mistreatment of women after the recent happenings. He went on to give the patrons who braved the weather a real uplifting set of his most inspirational songs.

At this point the group started to shake, and lava started to spew onto the #RebelSalute2020 stage, when all of a sudden I-Wayne appeared and shouted out his signature “Laaaava”! Fire started to burn and his catalog of songs preaching purification had the crowd lit!    

The man from the hillside hit the stage as the sun started to rise on #RebelSalute2020 Chronic Law out of the Six camp. I think his performance was so so until he hit his big tune “Hillside” and that got the biggest forward for his set. Since the #RebelSalute2020 crowd is a more mature crowd they weren’t very familiar with his music and not very impressed with the performance, therefor not very responsive.  

Now it was time for one of Jamaica’s most entertaining artist for the past 4 decades. He’s at Rebel Salute so it’s Moses Davis also known to the world as the doctor Beenie Man. The longtime show closer hit the #RebelSalute2020 stage in the early a.m. to wind down the festivities. He gave the last survivors of the night a full set of Beenie Man conscious classics Moses Davis style. Anthony B had the final fire turn burn in #RebelSalute2020. He did just that, blazed it! With his socially conscious lyrics he took the remaining time to spread the message of love, unity, ganja, and treating the women right. 

The news of a murder suicide spread across the island during the week of Rebel Salute which was on the minds of many of the artist that performed. 35-year-old Jamaica Defence Force Corporal Doran McKenzie had killed his common law wife, 34-year-old Suianne Easy, before turning the gun on himself (Full Story). Many of the artist took the time to address the situation during their time on stage.

Overall another historic year in the books for one of the years best events for over a decade. I think we can expect many more positive changes next year to keep improving on the great event that has come to be what it is today.

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