Spice – God A Bless Me
(ReggaeVibeMedia.com) – I Love how she used the media and the love they have for the hype to draw the attention just before the video was released. The picture of her being pregnant sent a fire storm through the internet. Now leading up to the birth of a wicked song, and music visual. – Ras Mahddy
Produced: @Spiceofficial
Written by: @Spiceofficial
Directed by: BlingBlang (@iam.BlingBlang) and @SpiceOfficial
Edited by: Anton Anderson (@antonandersonn)
Produced by: Phoenix Reign (@phnxrgn) ent. & Ja Films (@andrewynterdp)
Stylist Roland Banks @Rolandbanks
Hairstylist: Terrence Davidson @Darealterrencedavidson
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