Opposition leader Bobi Wine being held captive at his home in Uganda
Written by adminVibe on January 19, 2021
Bob Wine who is a Ugandan opposition leader representing Kyadondo East constituency in the 10th @Parliament_UG in Uganda is in need of the worlds support right now! As we prepare for transition of power in America thousands of miles away in Africa Bobi Wine is fighting for a similar war in Uganda.
From CNN: Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni claimed Saturday that he had been re-elected for a sixth term, despite widespread allegations of fraud and intimidation. In power since 1986, Museveni has defied repeated attempts to remove him over the years, cracking down on protests and jailing potential rivals.
In recent elections, a key tactic in curtailing opposition has been to control Ugandans’ access to the internet, blocking social media and messaging software like WhatsApp, and even instituting countrywide internet blackouts, cutting the population off from information at the most vital time. This year was no different. As Ugandans prepared to go to the polls last week, more and more of the internet gradually slipped out of reach, starting with Facebook and other social platforms, before finally the entire country was disconnected.
Currently Bobi Wine is being held against his will at his home is Uganda. Listen as he speaks from his home via his Twitter Account.
Bobi Wine while speaking under house arrest. (ADMIN) pic.twitter.com/k0m9sfAuhh
โ BOBI WINE (@HEBobiwine) January 18, 2021
Check the full story from media outlets:
CNN | Aljazeera