#86 Holiday Season Countdown David Rodigan – My Life In Reggae
Written by adminVibe on October 1, 2023
‘Rodigan can still claim a currency few presenters of his vintage can match. Perhaps it’s because while his wider musical and professional milieu has been in constant change, his boundless enthusiasm has been constant. Reggae’s been lucky to have him’ Ian Harrison, MOJO
‘Rodigan was a major part of my childhood, he played the hottest tunes and in a style that just resonated with me and millions like me. Being able to contribute anything to a man that filled my life with such joy is an honour, respect, David Rodigan’ Ian Wright
‘David is a pioneer in Reggae music. As a selector and radio personality, his vast knowledge of Jamaican music and its culture has helped to educate and fascinate music lovers around the world; he’s an amazing son of the music, and an icon. We couldn’t have made it this far without him’ Shaggy
$104.00 (Hard Cover) Purchase