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Andrew Brown Jr. was killed execution style by Police in North Carolina

Written by on April 30, 2021

(Reggae Vibe Media) – Here is another shooting of an unarmed Black man that needs global attention such as the George Floyd case. Elizabeth City, North Carolina is where this latest situation happened. 42 year old Andrew Brown was fatally shot when Pasquotank County deputies were trying to execute a warrant on April 21, officials said.

This situation has been very disheartening to the community, and the family has been totally disrespected. Roland Martin has brought some light to the situation but the world needs to support at this point.

What we’ve seen so far thanks again to Roland Martin is very disturbing. In my opinion it seems that someone doesn’t want the facts to come out about this case. I know Elizabeth City, North Carolina personally. I was racially profiled by an officer who used the seatbelt excuse to pull me over. At the angle I was turning there’s no way he could have seen a seatbelt. He looked me right in the eye and came after me. Luckily I survived with paying for the $10 court fee.

It’s no surprise when I hear the tactics they are using to cover up their wrong doings.

Here are the details from CNN: Andrew Brown Jr.’s relative disputes official account of the fatal police shooting

Here is the latest from Roland Martin:

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